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Interface NamedTimeUnit

This interface is used internally in order to map the time unit database using its properties.




Optional approximated

approximated: undefined | false | true

Determines whether this time unit is an approximation.

Optional customPlural

customPlural: string | NumericWriter

Defines a custom pluralized name for the time unit; it can be a string — used whenever the quantity of time is greater than one — or a function, able to retrieve different words according to a given quantity.

By default, words are pluralized by adding an "s" to the end of their readable name.


factor: Decimal

Multiplicative factor (coefficient) of this time unit in relation to a nanosecond.


name: keyof TimeUnitDatabase

This name is parsed from the name of the property that contains the time unit object.

Optional pluralize

pluralize: undefined | false | true

Determines whether the time unit should be pluralized: by default, words are pluralized by adding an "s" to the end of their readable name, but this can be changed via customPlural.

If set to false, this will prevent the time unit from ever being pluralized (unless this configuration is overwritten).

Optional readableName

readableName: undefined | string

Name of the time unit presented in a human readable format.

For timecount's default language — English (US) — this is parsed from the name of the property that contains the time unit, taking advantage of its medial capitals to separate compound names (galacticYear parses as "galactic year").

In some cases, however, a custom readable name is required even in English (US) (planckTime, for example, would not be correctly capitalized as "Planck time").

If you wish to help timecount with a translation, plese consult Contributing: Translating.

Optional symbol

symbol: undefined | string

A symbol representing the time unit (e.g. "s" for seconds).

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